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Equivocal zones describe intervals of predicted probabilities that are deemed too uncertain or ambiguous to be assigned a hard class. Rather than predicting a hard class when the probability is very close to a threshold, tailors using this adjustment predict "[EQ]".


adjust_equivocal_zone(x, value = 0.1, threshold = 1/2)



A tailor().


A numeric value (between zero and 1/2) or hardhat::tune(). The value is the size of the buffer around the threshold.


A numeric value (between zero and one) or hardhat::tune().

Data Usage

This adjustment doesn't require estimation and, as such, the same data that's used to train it with fit() can be predicted on with predict(); fitting this adjustment just collects metadata on the supplied column names and does not risk data leakage.


#> Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

#>    truth      Class1       Class2 predicted
#> 1 Class2 0.003589243 0.9964107574    Class2
#> 2 Class1 0.678621054 0.3213789460    Class1
#> 3 Class2 0.110893522 0.8891064779    Class2
#> 4 Class1 0.735161703 0.2648382969    Class1
#> 5 Class2 0.016239960 0.9837600397    Class2
#> 6 Class1 0.999275071 0.0007249286    Class1

# `predicted` gives hard class predictions based on probabilities
two_class_example %>% count(predicted)
#>   predicted   n
#> 1    Class1 277
#> 2    Class2 223

# when probabilities are within (.25, .75), consider them equivocal
tlr <-
  tailor() %>%
  adjust_equivocal_zone(value = 1 / 4)

#> ── tailor ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> A binary postprocessor with 1 adjustment:
#>  Add equivocal zone of size 0.25.

# fit by supplying column names. situate in a modeling workflow
# with `workflows::add_tailor()` to avoid having to do so manually
tlr_fit <- fit(
  outcome = c(truth),
  estimate = c(predicted),
  probabilities = c(Class1, Class2)

#> ── tailor ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> A binary postprocessor with 1 adjustment:
#>  Add equivocal zone of size 0.25. [trained]

# adjust hard class predictions
predict(tlr_fit, two_class_example) %>% count(predicted)
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>    predicted     n
#>   <clss_prd> <int>
#> 1       [EQ]    86
#> 2     Class1   229
#> 3     Class2   185